In 2023, I had a few opportunities to record podcasts and videos with some amazing people! I'd love to share with you where you can listen! Also, go check out their accounts and know them and all of the goodness they share as well! I hope it all blesses you!
The Coworkers Podcast
From the Show Notes: "The Bible teaches that our bodies are created purposefully by God in His image, are gifts from Him, are wasting away and fail us, and that we are to glorify God with our bodies. How do we glorify God with our bodies, think rightly about our bodies and physical health, and not fall in either ditch of neglecting our bodies or obsessing over our bodies? So that, "in everything, Christ might be preeminent" (Col. 1:18). Listen in as Shanee interviews Brandy G, a health professional, counselor, and missionary of over 15 years."Â
Revelation Wellness Documentary
Description from YouTube: "Brandy Gainor had absolutely NO intention of ever teaching a fitness class. But her decision to become a Revelation Wellness Ambassador has ignited a wave of disciples in Southern England. Watch this new Revelation Wellness documentary to see how our Ambassadors are sharing the hope and joy only found in Jesus to the ends of the earth!"
Revelation Wellness Podcast
From the Show Notes: "Missionary and Revelation Wellness Ambassador, Brandy Gainor, is sitting down with Alisa to share how God is moving to the ends of the earth! With a heart for sharing the gospel, you'll hear how fitness is a tool for Brandy to share the love of Jesus in communities worldwide—from India to England."Â